
Kotor 2 male or female
Kotor 2 male or female

kotor 2 male or female kotor 2 male or female

It also could be a clever way into getting people who played the games and don't agree with the initial Canonization to buy the book. That's the author cleverly using the onmiscient 3rd person perspective to show Bane's thoughts about the subject. When Bane makes the assumption of "his" in that one instance that's Bane's assumption of Revan's gender, not the author's. The fact remains if the character was intended NOT to be gender-neutral, Revan would have been overtly shown as a guy in this book. Leland doesn't always make the wisest choices. Though I wish they'd retcon Jaden Korr to be a female because her voice actress (the great Jennifer Hale!) was incomparably better than her male counterpart.

  • Wikipedia:Darth Revan states that one third of users expressing an opinion preferred the female Revan story on a particular message board, but that means little or nothing.
  • kotor 2 male or female

    I need a name ( Complain here) 22:17, 18 October 2006 (UTC) but in KOTOR, and KOTOR 2 The Sith Lords it is the players choice to be male or female. it will tell you that they actually had a vote, and revan is considered a Female.

    kotor 2 male or female

  • Actually if you go on Wikipedia and put in darth revan.
  • The book is merely referring to a "replica" (which has no gender) with the correct pronoun. "Replica" just naturally takes "it" as a pronoun.
  • And later in the book, it refers to Revan with " his knowledge".
  • Since when has Reven's gender be a matter of redebate? At least on this Wiki? - SFH 23:09, 10 October 2006 (UTC).
  • Actually it's just a clever way of not giving away the gender by using the replica's neutral verbs.
  • which means, as far as the Head Writer of KOTOR is concerned there is no Canon Gender.
  • In "Darth Bane Path of Destruction" after Bane watches Revan's holocron it says ""the tiny replica of Darth Revan bowed its head, drawing its hood up to hide its features once more.".
  • Forums > Senate Hall archive > SH Archive/Revan's Gender?.

    Kotor 2 male or female